

E-Learning In order to provide an enriching learning environment and to facilitate students to achieve learning objectives successfully, OPF is in the process of launching its E-Learning initiative. The purpose of E-learning Initiative is to address several problems which are being faced by contemporary education systems. There is always a shortage of quality subject teachers and the situation is truer in case of OPF institutions located in remote parts of the country where quality human resource often migrates to bigger cities in search of better opportunities. E-Learning Initiative will cope with this issue by enabling teacher at one particular OPF institution to deliver lectures to a network of classrooms at other OPF institutions, all inter-connected with technology. Students at remote classrooms would still be able to communicate with the Instructor through an audio / video link. E-learning has potential to bring quality education to underserved areas of the country. The project will facilitate learning and improve students' performance by increasing the accessibility of quality educational resources to them. Use of appropriate technological resources will also enable instructors to enhance their pedagogy and instructional methods. Through digital resource centers, students will be able to access instructional materials from their homes also. Regular outflow of Pakistanis to other countries particularly to GCC countries have placed increasing demands on the Foundation to set up more educational institutions in and outside the country which requires huge amounts of funds. Moreover, setting up conventional schools abroad also requires OPF to meet strict criteria laid down by host countries for establishing schools and recruiting / transporting human resource. Through its E-learning Initiative, OPF wishes to leverage the knowledge and teaching skills of its existing expert faculty and address educational needs of the children of overseas Pakistanis by establishing technology equipped e-learning schools abroad in collaboration with local partners.

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